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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF begins work on the second phase of the 2022-2026 Spending Review, in which it will analyse Temporary Disability, Official Development Assistance and the MIS

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has begun work on the second phase of the 2022-2026 Spending Review, now that the Council of Ministers has taken note of the Action Plan designed by AIReF which covers three areas of analysis: Temporary Disability benefits, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and spending review of the Minimum Income Scheme (MIS).

    In the case of Temporary Disability, AIReF will analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending on this benefit through the governance study, the determinants of the evolution of temporary disability and causal counterfactual analyses of public interventions to evaluate the increased spending.

    The second study will analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending on Official Development Assistance by its four main issuers: the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation; and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise. In this case, AIReF will perform an international comparison of the main characteristics of Spanish Official Development Assistance, will make a quantitative analysis of the flow of funds from issuance to use and will analyse the International and Temporary Protection Reception System.

    Finally, the MIS, the aim of the evaluation will be to compile the main findings on the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending during the first five years of the benefit. The MIS was launched in June 2020 and has been modified on several occasions to better attain its aims. In this evaluation, AIReF will compile the main findings relating to three of its main pillars: the impact of the benefit on the poverty reduction target and the budgetary impact; the lessons learnt about the non take-up phenomenon; and the impact of processing and management on the effectiveness and efficiency of the benefit.

    To achieve the aims considered in each of the evaluations, AIReF will use various qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques including documentary review, review of the rules and regulations, semi-structured interviews, focus groups with managers and professionals, counterfactual techniques, descriptive statistical analysis, comparative analysis or benchmarking, microsimulation, econometric techniques for the processing and analysis of cross-section data and panel data.