AIReF works under a commitment to be fully transparent in its actions and activities, offering a schedule for its Publications.
The focus of all AIReF activities is the preparation of Reports, Opinions and Studies on the matters contemplated in the Spanish Organic Law creating the organisation. In addition, it will draft an Annual Report which will be widely publicized and disseminated.
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The Reports issued are those provided for by said Law. They are automatically issued by AIReF or at the request of a public administration. These reports are not binding but if the Administration or institution subject of the report does not follow the recommendations, their decisions must be justified and the report must be attached to the corresponding dossier.
Opinions are formulated at the initiative of AIReF and the Administration or institution subject of the report may depart from the criteria contained in the Opinion without justification unlike the case of reports.
On the other hand, AIReF will conduct the Studies requested by the national government, Tax and Financial Policy Board, National Local Administration Commission and the Social Security Financial Commission. Likewise, it may conduct any studies requested by the autonomous regions and local authorities.