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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF’s Advisory Board meets to analyse the institution’s main activities in 2022

    Advisory Board

    The Advisory Board of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) met on Thursday to analyse the institution’s main activities in 2022 and, in particular, the approach to the long-term scenario for the General Government that AIReF is preparing, as well as the analysis of the Minimum Living Income. Technical and methodological issues were discussed, as well as international experience in both areas. It is the second meeting held since AIReF’s President, Cristina Herrero, appointed the new members in March 2021.

    The Board, which meets in plenary session at least twice a year, is composed of AIReF’s president, the Steering Committee – comprising Division Directors – and the nine experts appointed as advisors, all of whom are professionals of recognised national and international prestige in budgetary, economic and financial analysis.

    Board Members

    Since March of last year, AIReF’s Advisory Board has been made up of Javier Andrés, Samuel Bentolila, Antonio Cabrales, Olga Cantó, Álvaro Escribano, Beatriz González, Eckhard Janeba, Francisco Pedraja and Eva Senra.

    The Board has an exclusively deliberative and technical advisory role on matters that the President submits for consultation, which are directly related to the exercise of the powers legally entrusted to AIReF and of particular relevance to the institution. It is an eminently technical board, without excluding the possibility of strategic advice being sought.

    As stated in the new Regulation, the members of the Board have been appointed from among professionals of recognised prestige for a period of two years, renewable for successive periods. They act with full independence and autonomy in the exercise of their functions and may request any information they deem necessary. In addition to the plenary meetings, the members maintain an ongoing dialogue with AIReF on commonly defined lines of analysis, tools and methodologies subject to advice. They all have at least ten years’ experience in budgetary, economic and/or financial analysis.