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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF updates the Local Authorities Observatory

    Observatorio agosto

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has updated the Local Government Monitor on its website with data on budgetary settlements for 2021, the initial budgets for 2022 and the outstanding debt at the end of 2021. In addition, it has included the average period of payment to suppliers corresponding to the month of May of the current year. All this has been updated with the latest data published by the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service.

    This update will be accompanied by that to be performed in the first week of August in order to incorporate the data published at the end of July on the net lending/borrowing of each Local Government resulting from the 2021 settlement.

    The Local Government Monitor is an interactive tool developed by AIReF that collects and provides a graphic view of over 20 million pieces of economic and financial data from almost 8,200 Local Governments.

    This tool makes it possible to visualise what revenue Local Governments obtain and how they use it. It also offers the possibility of viewing the evolution over time of the main variables that define their economic position and allows comparisons between similar governments in terms of powers and financing, which makes it possible to identify possible areas for improvement in management.

    This Monitor also includes a graphic view of the effective costs of the services provided by Local Governments, the economic structure of each of these services, their different types of management and the main reference units that define them.

    The Monitor is regularly updated. In addition, it is constantly being improved. Therefore, it is soon expected to be extended by incorporating, among other aspects, information on AIReF’s forecasts for the governments analysed on an individual basis, and by including a new model of the medium-term sustainability of Local Governments, in which, based on a number of sustainability indicators, Local Governments can be ranked according to their position in each of these indicators.