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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF develops a monitor tool of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

    Imagen Observatorio PRTR

    • The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) creates an interactive tool to overcome existing information limitations and incorporate the impact of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) into its supervisory work
    • The tool focuses on formalised contracts and subsidies awarded up to March 31st, 2024, which amount to a total of 608,644 operations, for a value of €32.05bn and 538,603 unique beneficiaries
    • The Monitor Tool provides detailed information on the destination of the funds by component and investment line and allows users to see this information in detail by sub-sector, awarding body, awardee, concessionaire and region of impact
    • Sustainable long-distance mobility, sustainable urban mobility, the promotion of science, technology and innovation, the modernisation of public authorities and digital connectivity are the components that have recorded the largest number of awards and contract formalisations to date. The component with the highest number of awards is 13, mainly for the Digital Kit (318,596 awards).
    • The tool also offers a high level of granularity on the information by sub-sector and awarding body, differentiating between the State Institutional Public Sector, Central State Administration (CSA), Autonomous Regions (ARs) and Local Governments (LGs)
    • It includes individualised files for the ARs with the amount formalised and granted in each region, the unique awardees and the breakdown by component and investment line, among other data. This classification can also be seen at the local level by grouping the Local Governments by province.
    • It also offers information on the time profile of the awards and formalisations of the RTRP by year and by day, and allows time comparisons by component and line and by awarding body
    • AIReF will update the tool quarterly and improve and expand it in the coming phases in order to analyse the potential impact of the RTRP and its transformative capacity

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility has developed a Monitor Tool of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with the aim of overcoming the existing information limitations and determining the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of the RTRP to incorporate it into its supervision of the General Government. It is an interactive data visualisation tool that captures the amounts that are reaching the real economy through the exploitation of existing public information in the General Government tender and subsidy databases.

    Having developed the tool for the performance of its duties, AIReF makes it available to the public with the aim of facilitating access to data by third parties and fulfilling its commitment to transparency and accountability, two of its guiding principles, together with independence. Therefore, the Monitor Tool makes the microdata used available to the public. This information will allow an analysis of the impact of the RTRP on the economy and its transformative potential.

    Specifically, the AIReF tool draws on public information from the common databases of tenders and subsidies and from the tender platforms of seven Autonomous Regions. It exploits all the information it considers closest to the time of execution of the RTRP and therefore focuses on formalised contracts and subsidies awarded. It currently incorporates over 600,000 records updated to 31st March 2024.

    Specifically, according to AIReF’s tool, to date 608,644 awards and formalisations amounting to €32.05bn have been registered, out of the €79.85bn allocated to Spain, including the addendum. The number of unique awardees or beneficiaries is 538,603, as the same beneficiary may receive more than one subsidy or tender.

    Data by component and investment line

    The AIReF Monitor Tool offers a high level of granularity, with detailed information on the destination of the RTRP funds by component and investment line. It allows users to see the breakdown of the figures formalised and granted over the allocation of each component and the breakdown by investment line, with rankings of the elements of the RTRP that are attracting most of the funds.

    In this regard, sustainable long-distance mobility; sustainable urban mobility; the promotion of science, technology and innovation; the modernisation of public authorities and digital connectivity are the components with the highest accumulated amount in awards and formalisations up to March 31st, 2024. In the case of investment lines, AVE railway investment; the digital transformation of Justice and cybersecurity in Autonomous Regions; the digital kit programme, the suburban Cercanías railway infrastructure and cutting-edge R&D&I, and public-private partnerships accumulate the highest amounts. The component with the highest number of awards is 13, mainly for the Digital Kit (318,596 awards).

    It also allows users to see in detail the information by component and investment line by awarding sub-sector, by type of awardee and by region of impact, in a first approximation to determine the region in which the formalised contract or the subsidy awarded will have its main effects, regardless of the awarding body.

    Granular information by awarding sub-sector

    The Monitor Tool also offers a high level of granularity on the RTRP information by awarding sub-sector, differentiating between the State Institutional Public Sector, Central State Administration, Autonomous Regions and Local Governments. Of the €32.06bn granted and formalised to date, €13.65bn has been awarded by the State Institutional Public Sector; €8.43bn by the CSA; €7.56bn by the ARs; and €2.42bn by the LGs. The tool also provides a breakdown of the CSA information by component and awarding Ministry, and the State Institutional Public Sector by component and by entity.

    It also includes individualised files for the Autonomous Regions from the perspective of the awarding authority and with the most relevant data at a regional level. This includes the amount allocated to each Autonomous Region in the sectoral conference, the amount formalised or awarded in each region, the number of unique awardees, the average amount and the figures broken down both by awarding body and by component of the RTRP and investment line.

    In addition, the AIReF Monitor Tool allows users to consult the time profile of formalised contracts and RTRP awards by year and by day, filtering this information by component, investment line and by sub-sector. It also incorporates specific tabs so that users can make the time comparisons they deem appropriate. It thus makes it possible to compare the evolution over time of one component with respect to another or the evolution over time of one sub-sector with respect to another. The amount of formalised contracts and subsidies awarded was €546m in 2019, €339m in 2020, €3.15bn in 2021, €11.82bn in 2022, €13.99bn in 2023 and, as of March 2024, €2.23bn.

    Updates every quarter

    The AIReF tool is especially dynamic and offers filtering and cross-checking possibilities on almost every screen and additional information in pop-ups. It also allows users to download microdata from all screens, so that any member of the public can replicate the institution’s exercises.

    AIReF will update the tool on a quarterly basis and will improve and expand it in the coming phases in order to be able to analyse the potential impact of the RTRP and its transformative capacity. In fact, it will incorporate a suggestion box so that any member of the public who wants more information or clarification about the Monitor Tool, detects any error or wants to make an improvement can contact AIReF.