AIReF’s Advisory Board was created in March 2015. It is formed by a total of eleven members who are appointed by the president of the institution for a three-year term from amongst professionals who are acknowledged experts in Spain or internationally and with at least ten years of experience in the field of economic, budgetary and institutional analysis.
The organic law on the establishment of an Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (6/2013) in Spain states that the President of the institution may be advised on the performance of his functions by professionals with expertise in subject-areas within its competences and may attend the management committees whenever he deems it appropriate for them to do so.
The ten members who have been appointed today to sit on the Advisory Board are Rafael Álvarez Blanco, Jordi Caballé, Teresa García-Milà Lloveras, Javier Gardeazabal, Ángel Laborda, José María Marín Vigueras, Miguel Martín Fernández, Aurelio Martínez Estévez, Carlos Monasterio Escudero and Carlos Sebastián Gascón.