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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Home » Data and Tools » Economic Data » AIReF forecasts

    AIReF forecasts

    AIReF includes in its reports the forecasts of the macroeconomic picture. The following document contains the forecasts made in the last report published, as well as the history of the macroeconomic tables published by the Institution.

    AIReF Macroeconomic table updated July 2024
    Imagen cuadro macro julio 2024

    The document includes the following information:

    • Macroeconomic table
    • Historical GDP
    • Historical Private Consumption
    • Historical Public Consumption
    • GFCF Capital Goods and Cultivated Assets
    • GFCF Construction and Intellectual Property
    • Exports of goods and services
    • Imports of goods and services
    • Full-Time Equivalent Employment