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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Home » Transparency portal » Financial management

    Transparency portal. Financial management

    Budgetary Regime.

    Each year AIReF prepares its preliminary draft budget and sends it to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for its subsequent inclusion in the General State Budget, in accordance with the provisions of the General Budgetary Law.

    AIReF’s budget is limited in its overall amount and is estimated for the distribution of appropriations by economic categories, with the exception of personnel and protocol expenses, which are limited and binding.

    Contracting Regime.

    AIReF’s contractual activity is subject to the legislation on public sector contracts, and the regime foreseen for Public Administrations applies to it.

    Its contracting body is the Presidency, who has delegated this authority for contracts with an estimated value of less than 120,000 euros.

    Financing Regime.

    AIReF’s main source of funding is the Tax for the supervision, analysis, advice and monitoring of fiscal policy and the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility established by the Second Additional Provision of Organic Law 6/2013, of November 14, on the creation of AIReF.

    The following are taxpayers of this tax: the State, the Autonomous Communities, the Cities with Statute of Autonomy, the Local Corporations and the Social Security System.

    AIReF’s Budgets – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 15/01/2024

    Expenditure Budget execution – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 18/07/2024

    Average payment period to suppliers – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 01/07/2024

    Breakdown of spending items over €1,000 – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 18/07/2024

    Revenues from fees – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 18/07/2024

    Annual Report and Financial Statements – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 31/07/2024

    Contractor’s profile – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 27/02/2024

    Annual contracting plans – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 24/01/2024

    Contracts – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 18/07/2024

    Contract modifications – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 06/03/2024

    Withdrawals and contract waivers – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 27/02/2024

    There have not been any to date

    Information on small and medium-sized companies in contracting

    Updated 31/01/2024

    Management assignments and orders – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 21/05/2024

    Collaboration covenants – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 17/06/2024

    Public subsidies and grants – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 26/07/2024

    Remuneration of Steering Committee members and severance indemnities – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 27/02/2024

    Steering Committee Travel – Only available in Spanish

    Updated 18/07/2024

    Gifts received by the Steering Committee memberso – Only available in Spanish

      Updated 27/02/2024

      Compatibility authorizations – Only available in Spanish

      Updated 27/02/2024

      AIReF Real Estate – Only available in Spanish

      Updated 27/02/2024

      Movable property of cultural interest deposited at AIReF

      Updated 27/02/2024

      AIReF official vehicles– Only available in Spanish

      Updated 27/02/2024