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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Study on public spending on non-university education in the Balearic Islands

    Database cross-referencing performed in this evaluation


    The objective of this study is to measure the efficiency of the Balearic non-university education system, identify areas for improvement, especially in the management of human resources, and prepare projections of educational expenditure in different educational policy scenarios.

    The demographic dynamics of the Balearic Islands has been putting upward pressure on educational spending in non-university education. Contrary to what is happening in other Autonomous Regions, population projections indicate that this growth trend will be maintained in the future, largely due to migratory flows. This justifies, to a greater extent, the need to seek solutions that guarantee efficient management and planning of human resources, the main budgetary item in the Balearic education system.

    As shown in the study, spending per student in the Balearic Islands on non-university education exceeds the national average, while its educational results are slightly lower.