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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Cristina Herrero participates in the New Economy Forum’s Confidence Circle

    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, today took part in the New Economy Forum’s Confidence Circle, a platform made up of more than a hundred executives representing companies and organisations from all sectors of the Spanish economy. During her speech, the President highlighted the important role played by AIReF in the economy and shared the institution’s vision of the economy and public finances.

    Cristina Herrero stated that she is in the final stretch of her term of office at the helm of AIReF, stressing that one of the targets she has set herself, in addition to fulfilling the Strategic Plan 2020-2026, is to leave a good legacy and contribute to the consolidation of a strong AIReF at an institutional level that is capable of facing the challenges of the future. In this regard, she pointed out that many of the recommendations considered in the framework of the external evaluation that AIReF has undergone will be incorporated into the latest Action Plan. AIRef will also promote the implementation of those recommendations that fall outside the institution’s remit, but which are necessary to adapt AIReF to the changes that have taken place in recent years and to enhance its independence and accountability.

    Regarding the economic and fiscal context, Cristina Herrero reviewed the short- and medium-term economic and fiscal outlook and stressed the need to firm up the fiscal strategy and measures that will enable the 2025-2028 commitments approved by Ecofin in January to be met. AIReF’s evaluation of the Spanish Plan on November 5th, 2024, estimated that, with the information available at that time, in a scenario of constant policies, the commitments can be met in the very short term, although their achievement in the medium term will depend on the measures that may be adopted.